Why I Started Making Soap

As soon as the good ole adolescent years hit, so did the pimples.  "It will go away when you get older," said many well meaning family members. My entire life I tried all the special wonderful cleansers that seemed to work for everyone else.  Those products had either no effect or made it worse.  Even a dermatologist was no help at all.  He just gave me a pill that made me feel nauseated the minute I took it.  After years of struggle, dieting, washing, not washing, moisturizing, and exfoliating nothing worked.

After the birth of my youngest, my acne got to the worst it had ever been.  I broke out EVERYWHERE!  After a shower, all of my skin felt like it was on fire.  After extensive Googling, finally the connection was made the the problem was SLS (Sodium Laurel Sulfate).  Yes, this entire time my problem was being caused by all those cleaning products I had been using.

At the same time the kids started having more eczema break outs also caused by the "soap" we were using.  We had to switch them to a pricey hypoallergenic baby shampoo.  Even then, it still seemed to bother them a little. So, after every bath, we had to chase them around the house to slather them in a special eczema lotion.  Trying to catch a kid covered in creamy lotion is like- well- trying to catch a greased pig.

Finding a shampoo and body wash, for myself, without SLS was particularly difficult and expensive.  So, I looked up how to make my own shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.  I tried making it was baking soda and coconut oil; that was a fail.  Baking soda and vinegar were also a fail.  I then remembered a handmade bar of soap that my husband and I got at a fair.  It was the best thing I had ever used.  Surely I could figure out how to make it too.

After several months of studying, planning, preparing, and hoarding olive oil, I was ready to make my first batch of soap.  A close friend of mine came over to help me, since she was also curious about it.  Not only was it an interesting process, but it was so much fun.  We both enjoyed the experiment and were anxious to try our new little concoction.  Patience is key in soap making. It takes at least 4 weeks for it to cure and harden.

I was nervous to try it so we started with just washing our hands, then body, then face.  My skin started to clear up right away!  After trying it on ourselves with positive results, we tried it on the kids.  We no longer have to put lotion on them after their baths anymore!

Then I started thinking, maybe I could sell some of it.  Especially since I get so much soap out of one batch.  Then the obsession grew from there.  I began watching people on Youtube make beautiful artwork out soap. It inspired me so much.  I could turn my love for all things artsy into usable everyday items. The endless options of colors and fragrances continues to add to the infatuation. I also hope that this can help anyone that may be affected with the similar skin problems.
It would also bring me great joy to help others learn to make soap!


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