Why I Started Making Soap
As soon as the good ole adolescent years hit, so did the pimples. "It will go away when you get older," said many well meaning family members. My entire life I tried all the special wonderful cleansers that seemed to work for everyone else. Those products had either no effect or made it worse. Even a dermatologist was no help at all. He just gave me a pill that made me feel nauseated the minute I took it. After years of struggle, dieting, washing, not washing, moisturizing, and exfoliating nothing worked. After the birth of my youngest, my acne got to the worst it had ever been. I broke out EVERYWHERE! After a shower, all of my skin felt like it was on fire. After extensive Googling, finally the connection was made the the problem was SLS (Sodium Laurel Sulfate). Yes, this entire time my problem was being caused by all those cleaning products I had been using. At the same time the kids started having more eczema break outs also c...